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Lumi's Story



 I grew up in a typical midwestern town in Oklahoma, yet this unlikely place held keys to my awakening.  At the age of 8,  I was introduced to  teachers through a magical theater and dance company. Facilitating an inspiring container for children to explore mind, body, and creativity through improvisational movement, the embodiment of otherworldly characters, guided meditations, and more , I developed a love for magical dreamlike experiences. .  My first poems were formed at this time.


Since then, I have spent the rest of my life seeking keys to open doorways of consciousness that have ultimately led me to states of Oneness with God.


Like many young people, my teenage years were spent running wild.  I chased cosmic experiences through a variety of mind expanding substances. But leaving me feeling lost and directionless I gave them up.  Slowly, I began to awaken to the magic that was all around me, in Nature, in my breath, in the Present Moment, I began to feel more alive than ever.


In 2004, out of college, I was freed up to yet again explore more subtle states of consciousness. I was exposed to Reiki, sensory deprivation floatation tanks, and the chakras! At last, something to give words and structure to my experiences!  In 2005, I completed a massage therapy program, which quickened me on my healing journey and back on my true path.  


My healing arts work took me to India to study energy medicine and Thailand to study Thai bodywork.  I dove into breathwork, craniosacral, polarity, reiki,  Yoga and other mind-body therapies. But eventually all the seeking, outside self, for answers to the big riddles wore me out.  I made the hard decision to close my bodywork practices after 15 years. 


Then, life took me even deeper into my spiritual faith. Through my own harrowing life experiences through the depths of my shadows and the void and back. I crossed chasms of deep grief, death, and depression, giving me wisdom from life experience that I could never seem to find in a classroom or textbook.


These life changing experiences led me to my most powerful teachers yet: Silence, Nature, and Tea - via direct experience with God. Through long practices of silence, sometimes for months at time, I found keys that unlocked gateways to Heaven. It is now my humble devotion to assist others in awakening to their true nature, as indestructible consciousness created by the Powers of Love, while simultaneously having a human experience!


When I am not in the tea room or out in nature, I can be found reading through a stack of books with my dog at my feet.  You're also welcome to  join me on a journey to sacred sites and places of deep beauty around the world with my husband, Jeremy, through our company Inchanted Journeys.  For more info check the Events page for more information.


I look forward to meeting you on the path of life wherever you are! 


In Truth and Deep Peace,



Let’s Work Together

18 Wood Ridge Lane

Asheville, NC 28806


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